Fested: A Journey to Fest 7

Fested A Journey To Festis an American documentary film filmed over two weeks around and during The Festin Gainesville, FL in 2008. The movie was directed by Reese Lester about The Fest and a group of about a dozen close friends experience attending and performing at it.

FESTED A Journey To Festis a documentary film about the yearly punk music festival held in Gainesville, Florida simply called The Fest.It was filmed over two weeks spent in Gainesville around Festin 2008. The film follows Gainesvilles SPANISH GAMBLE formerly DIRTY MONEY and friends on their quest to play and experience the epic weekendlong festival that has been called things like punk rock christmas, a big, drunk, punk rock, bearded, tattooed family reunion, and the last true home of punk rock. ........

Source: Wikipedia